Field Trip: Sears Island, Searsport

Sears Island Searsport, ME, United States

Join us as we seek spring migrants at this Waldo County birding hotspot in Searsport. All are welcome! You don’t need to be an Audubon member or have advanced birding […]

Field Trip: Monhegan Island

**We have reached our maximum number of participants for this field trip, but if you are interested in being added to the waitlist, please send an email to Mael Glon […]

Field Trip: Cloudmarch Salt Marsh, Newcastle

Join us for a unique opportunity to visit a remarkable salt marsh that is inaccessible to the public! We will primarily focus on observing Saltmarsh and Nelson’s Sparrows, both of […]

Field Trip: Burkett Mill Preserve, Waldoboro

Join us as we venture to Burkett Mill Preserve in search of Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Palm Warbler, and other birds that are rare breeders in the mid-coast region! The 362-acre preserve […]

Field Trip: Whale Watch & Puffin Pelagic

Is that a buoy? Maybe a piece of flotsam? No, it’s a Yellow-nosed Albatross! You never quite know what you’re going to find in the open ocean. Join trip leaders […]

Field Trip: Weskeag Marsh, S. Thomaston

Weskeag Marsh in South Thomaston is one of Maine’s best birding marshes. This 1,300-acre complex features a mix of salt, brackish, and freshwater habitats, including cattails, grasses, potholes, and mud […]

Field Trip: Weskeag Marsh, S. Thomaston

Weskeag Marsh in South Thomaston is one of Maine’s best birding marshes. This 1,300-acre complex features a mix of salt, brackish, and freshwater habitats, including cattails, grasses, potholes, and mud […]

Field Trip: Weskeag Marsh, S. Thomaston

Weskeag Marsh in South Thomaston is one of Maine’s best birding marshes. This 1,300-acre complex features a mix of salt, brackish, and freshwater habitats, including cattails, grasses, potholes, and mud […]

Field Trip: Rabbit Path at Power Line Crossing, Alna

This location looks like many other power line right-of-ways, but has a unique tendency to attract migrating warblers, vireos, and other songbirds in unbelievable numbers (see, for example, this eBird […]