To become a member of Mid-Coast Audubon, join Maine Audubon online and you’ll automatically become a member of Mid-Coast Audubon if you live in Knox, Lincoln, or Waldo counties. Otherwise specify you want to be a Mid-Coast Audubon member!
Injured Bird?
Please contact Avian Haven in Freedom, at (207) 382-6761.
It is illegal, by both state and federal law, to possess a migratory bird or bird parts unless properly licensed. Kindly give dead birds a burial or leave them in the woods. They would have been recycled naturally had you not found them.
Mid-Coast Audubon Directory
For general inquiries, you can send us an email. Please be patient, it may take us a few days to get back to you.
President, Jeff Cherry, (914) 489-7870, email Jeff
Vice President, Gail Presley, (207) 975-5930, email Gail
Secretary, Sherrie York, (719) 239-0590, email Sherrie
Treasurer, Lewis Purinton, (207) 549-5257, email Lew
Field Trip Planning
Mael Glon, (801) 864-2316, email Mael
Program Planning
Will Broussard, (207) 837-9520, email Will
Rare & Unusual Bird Sightings
Don Reimer, (207) 273-3146, email Don
Jeff Cherry, (914) 489-7870, email Jeff
Seed Sale
Sue Schubel, (207) 644-1077, email Sue
The Merganser Chapter Newsletter
Produced three times a year: February, May, November
Have a great story about relevant birding or nature topics? Please submit your article by the 15th of the month preceding the next publication to: Sherrie York, Editor, via email or call (719) 239-0590.
Will Broussard, Brunswick
Kathy Cartwright, Waldoboro
Adam DiNuovo, Bremen
Mael Glon, Nobleboro
Keagan Kennedy, Bremen
Dennis McKenna, Damariscotta
Don Reimer, Warren
Juanita Roushdy, Bremen
Sue Schubel, S. Bristol
Bill Goodwill
Maine Audubon questions: email in**@ma**********.org, or call (207) 781-2330