Field Trip: Salt Bay Sunday! Damariscotta

Salt Bay Farm 110 Belvedere Rd., Damariscotta, United States

Join us for the next in our series of field trips we're calling Salt Bay Sundays! It’s the middle of winter. The best place to bird is probably somewhere tropical, but if you are still in Maine, join us at Coastal Rivers Salt Bay Farm as we continue our Salt Bay Sunday series and look […]

Field Trip: Rockland Breakwater

Rockland Breakwater Samoset Rd, Rockland, ME, United States

The Rockland Breakwater is an inviting place to bird in winter if temperature, tides, and wind cooperate. A walk out on the Breakwater takes you into the middle of Rockland Harbor to where the sea birds can be found. In winter, it is a great spot for Purple Sandpipers, loons, grebes, scoters, Common Goldeneyes, Black […]

The Hidden History of American Warblers

An Evening with Kenn Kaufman We are so excited to have field guide author and illustrator, and author of Kingbird Highway, Ken Kaufman join us for an online program. Prairie WarblerToday, the American warblers (members of the family Parulidae) are very popular, and birders eagerly await their return every spring. But two centuries ago they were […]

Field Trip: Salt Bay Sunday! Damariscotta

Salt Bay Farm 110 Belvedere Rd., Damariscotta, United States

Join us for the next in our series of field trips we're calling Salt Bay Sundays! This will be the fourth event in our Salt Bay Sundays series. We’ll walk the trails at Coastal Rivers Salt Bay Farm looking for ducks, sparrows, finches, and any other winter birds. Directions: We’ll meet in the preserve parking […]

Intro to Gull ID

Often approached with apprehension, gulls have gained a love-hate relationship with many birders. Among these larids are some of the most coveted bird species in the world. Join us for a Zoom with Amar Ayyash where he will highlight key identification field marks for separating our most common gull species, and he will also touch […]

Field Trip: Salt Bay Sunday! Damariscotta

Salt Bay Farm 110 Belvedere Rd., Damariscotta, United States

Join us for the next in our series of field trips we’re calling Salt Bay Sundays! Celebrate the changing of the seasons with a birding adventure at Coastal Rivers Salt Bay Farm. Although it may not feel like it, winter will be over and we may start to see the return of birds like Osprey, […]

Field Trip: Salt Bay Sunday! Damariscotta

Salt Bay Farm 110 Belvedere Rd., Damariscotta, United States

Join us for the next in our series of field trips we’re calling Salt Bay Sundays! Join us at Salt Bay Farm as it comes alive with the sights and sounds of spring! We’ll look for the earliest arriving swallows, sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and maybe even a few warblers! Directions: We’ll meet in the Salt […]

The Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project

Camden Library 55 Main St., Camden, ME, United States

Join us for a presentation by Maine Natural History Observatory ecologist, Logan Parker, focused on nightjar monitoring efforts in Maine. We will learn about the natural history of Maine’s nightjars (Eastern Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk), the threats they face, and how you can take part in these exciting monitoring efforts. This will be an in-person […]

Field Trip: Clarry Hill, Union

Clarry Hill is a hilltop blueberry barren and grassland in Union that attracts birds that prefer a wide open landscape. Most of the hilltop has been conserved by Midcoast Conservancy. This picturesque landscape has stunning views in all directions, and provides significant habitat for a suite of uncommon grassland birds, including Upland Sandpipers, which have […]