A membership in Mid-Coast Audubon is also a membership in Maine Audubon. Your membership provides scholarships, stewardship of our preserves, free programs at the Camden library, and free birding trips to local hotspots.
Benefits include:
- a subscription to Habitat, Maine Audubon’s quarterly journal
- a subscription to Merganser, our chapter newsletter; and
- discounts on Maine Audubon field trips and at Maine Audubon sanctuaries, nature centers, and nature stores.
Don’t forget to indicate you wish to be a Mid-Coast Audubon chapter member when joining or renewing your membership. We are grateful to have many people across the country who are loyal members of the Mid-Coast chapter!
You can also join or renew your membership by sending your name and complete mailing address with a check payable to Maine Audubon to:
Maine Audubon
20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, ME 04105