Nelson Preserve Trail Cleanup Workday

Join us at the beautiful Nelson Preserve in Friendship, ME for a day of trail clearing! Flex your muscles, count your steps, exercise with a purpose. We’ll be clearing blowdowns and branches from the trails that wend through magical mossy forest to river shores. Best enjoyed in winter when the ground is frozen and bugs […]

Climate Change: How do we know?

Camden Library 55 Main St., Camden, ME, United States

How do we know that Earth's climate is changing? How do current trends fit into longer-term, natural cycles of climate change? How will changes in global climate impact us here in Maine? Join us for an informative presentation on establishing the evidence for present-day climate change, and placing it in the context of past climate […]

Climate Change and the Decline of Birds: What Can be Done?

A recently published study in Science reports that there are nearly three billion fewer birds in North America than there were in the 1970s. This news follows reports of declining insect populations and the overwhelming, far-reaching effects of climate change. What does it mean for Maine birds? How can we help? Join National Audubon’s Dr. […]

Summering with Vultures

Our own Board member and local bird expert/author Don Reimer will present a lively Zoom pictorial portrait recounting his monitoring of a turkey vulture pair raising their chicks from egg through fledged independence. The October 15 talk at 6 pm will trace detailed weekly progress at the nest site throughout the 2019 summer nesting season, […]

State of the Birds: Decades of Change

Join us for our monthly program on November 19 at 6 pm via Zoom (details below). Nick Lund of Maine Audubon will discuss how bird populations in Maine are continually changing. This presentation covers the changes over the last few decades and discusses which species are disappearing and which are increasing. Nick will also look […]

Editors Talk on New Book – Birds Of Maine

The first comprehensive overview of Maine's incredibly rich bird life in more than seven decades, Birds of Maine by Peter Vickery is a detailed account of all 464 species recorded in the Pine Tree State. Co-editors Barbara Vickery and Scott Weidensaul will discuss what the authors/collaborators found in terms of changes in Maine's bird life […]

Birding in Costa Rica

Join us for our monthly program on February 18 at 6 pm via Zoom (details below). Maine Audubon's Staff Naturalist, Doug Hitchcox, will give a lively visual presentation about a trip he and 10 Audubon members took to Costa Rica, a birding paradise, in January 2020. This travelogue will follow the group's travels day by […]

Finch Irruptions and the Finch Research Network

Been seeing lots of unusual finches this winter? Irruptions of these fascinating birds from the north in recent years inspired Matthew Young to launch the Finch Research Network (FiRN) in fall 2020. Join us for his lively presentation about Redpolls, Evening Grosbeaks, and the distribution and ecology of different Red Crossbill flight calls on our […]

Feeder Station Application Deadline

Mid-Coast Audubon is again offering support to schools and libraries to foster natural history learning and exploration by providing equipment and resources to establish a bird feeding station. Schools and libraries in the midcoast area inland from Boothbay Harbor, west to Windsor and China, and east along the coast to Bucksport can apply online. The […]