Spring Bird Seed & Suet Sale

Thank you all for your orders!! Pre-ordered seed will be available for pick up on Saturday, March 2, 10 a.m. to noon at one of two locations - either Plants Unlimited, 629 Commercial St (Route 1) in Rockport, OR Lincoln County Publishing, 116 Mills Rd., Newcastle. For more information, it's best to email Sue and […]

Field Trip: Damariscotta Mills

Damariscotta Mills 384 Mills Road, Damariscotta Mills, ME, United States

Join us for a late winter/early spring birding field trip in the Damariscotta Mills area. We will check the pools above and below the famous fish ladder and also look out over Great Salt Bay. Expect to see a good representation of our overwintering ducks including: Hooded, Common and Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneye, and Bufflehead. […]

The Growth of Trees

No single view of a tree is a fixed snapshot in time that tells the complete story. Join us on Thursday, March 21, to learn about The Growth of Trees. Michael Wojtech will talk about how trees grow, reproduce, and interact with their environment across days, weeks, seasons, and years. He'll discuss varying scales—from the […]

Field Trip: Salt Bay Farm, Damariscotta

Salt Bay Farm 110 Belvedere Rd., Damariscotta, United States

Join us as we seek early migrants at the Salt Bay Farm in Damariscotta, co-hosted by Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust. We'll walk the meadow looking for Savannah and other sparrows, scan the pond for ducks and geese, investigate the forest edges for early migrating warblers and songbirds, and then scan the Great Salt Bay for […]

Journeys in Listening: Birds and More from Acadia and Beyond

**New Date** Join us for a journey in listening to wildlife audio recordings from Acadia and beyond, and the stories of adventure and discovery behind them. Laura Sebastianelli is a naturalist with a passion for listening and sound recording. In 2017, she established "Schoodic Notes: Bird Sounds of Acadia," a collaborative project with Schoodic Institute's […]

Field Trip: Sears Island, Searsport

Sears Island Searsport, ME, United States

Join us as we seek spring migrants at this Waldo County birding hotspot in Searsport. All are welcome! You don’t need to be an Audubon member or have advanced birding skills to join us. We simply hope to instill interest in the natural world through an understanding of how birds live and thrive in our […]

Field Trip: Monhegan Island

**We have reached our maximum number of participants for this field trip, but if you are interested in being added to the waitlist, please send an email to Mael Glon at midcoastfieldtrips@maineaudubon.org** Monhegan Island is 10-miles off the coast and is a magnet for migrating warblers and other songbirds. We'll also see hawks, falcons, marsh […]

Field Trip: Cloudmarch Salt Marsh, Newcastle

Join us for a unique opportunity to visit a remarkable salt marsh that is inaccessible to the public! We will primarily focus on observing Saltmarsh and Nelson’s Sparrows, both of which regularly breed on this marsh. However, due to the variety of habitats that we will cover, we expect to find a wide assortment of […]

Field Trip: Burkett Mill Preserve, Waldoboro

Join us as we venture to Burkett Mill Preserve in search of Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Palm Warbler, and other birds that are rare breeders in the mid-coast region! The 362-acre preserve owned by Midcoast Conservancy contains a mosaic of different natural communities, with varying terrain of ledges and marshes. Due to limited parking at the preserve, […]