A Chapter of Maine Audubon
Join us for our monthly program on February 18 at 6 pm via Zoom (details below). Maine Audubon’s Staff Naturalist, Doug Hitchcox, will give a lively visual presentation about a trip he and 10 Audubon members took to Costa Rica, a birding paradise, in January 2020. This travelogue will follow the group’s travels day by day, highlighting the amazing birds, delicious food, and stunning vistas, as well as the conservation issues of the area and importance of ecotourism.
This will be a free online presentation hosted by the Camden Public Library. To register for the event, please email Julia Pierce (jpierce@librarycamden.org) at the library to request the Zoom login info.
Though the country is smaller than the state of West Virginia, there are more than 850 species of birds, a reflection of two important features: Costa Rica’s great variety of habitats and its location between tropical South America and temperate North America. You’ll join us on a tour that covered the Caribbean and Pacific lowland tropical forests, pine-oak temperate forests, and an elfin forest at 11,000 feet.